I drew the comic above for Wobblies: A Graphic History, edited by Nicole Schulman and Paul Buhle, published by Verso in 2005 for the centennial of the 1905 founding in Chicago of the Industrial Workers of the World. Anybody interested in seeing Ernest Riebe's actual "Mr. Block" comics should definitely order the original Mr. Block anthology, published back in the day by Riebe himself but more recently reprinted under the venerable imprint of the Charles H. Kerr Publishing Co., 1740 West Greenleaf Avenue, Suite 7, Chicago, IL 60626.
Franklin Rosemont at Charles H. Kerr Publishing tells me they are planning a more inclusive anthology of Mr. Block strips (the existing anthology includes the best 24 strips from the first few years, but none of the wartime strips). In the meantime, you can click the links below to see versions, sometimes quite raggedy, of un-reprinted strips from Solidarity and The Industrial Worker that I copied from microfilm. You may recognize a few of the gags because I quoted them in my comic above. I regret not providing dates for most of these -- much data got lost in the electronic ether during a computer crash. The strips are as follows:
He goes to the Dakota harvest
Plus a couple of anti-war Block cartoons that are not comic strips:
The Thinker! (October 10, 1914)
Here are some non-Block cartoons and drawings and writings by Ernest Riebe:
The IWW Bug, or, Microbus Rebellicus (1913)
Plus, special bonus! Two postwar prose pieces from Ernest Riebe on the subjects of false consciousness and capitalist elections:
A Job & Political Bunk
Featured in The IWW in the Lumber Industry
Lumber Workers Industrial Union #500 - IWW
A Job
The mule psychology of the oats-aspiring animal is clearly demonstrated when Block meets Block. Whenever two of the species meet after being separated for some time you can always bet your life that the first question IS about a job. They make a great Hallelujah when they have one. These working animals accept degradation with a satisfied grin. Not only are they satisfied with a job, but they are also thankful for the privilege of slaving their lives away to make a heaven on earth for profiteers. A job means everything to Mr. Block. It looks so valuable to him, because it is so uncertain. He may get fired any minute. When this happens it is a big calamity. The happy grin disappears because the oats are cut short, the stomach starts preaching a serious sermon. Give to a Block the privilege to slave and he is in heaven. He doesn't ask for the good things of life and of civilization. He is satisfied with belly-stuffing. This is practically all that the millions of workers receive in return for the creation of all wealth. Progressive workers demand the full product of their labor, the fruits of civilization.
Political Bunk
The profiteers are very resourceful in buncoing Mr. Block. Election Day is dedicated especially to Mr. Block and his family. They put up a bunch of foxy spell binders label them democrats, republicans, or what not. Then the Block-show is pulled off. The different fakers call each other all kinds of bad names; they have no honor. After election they wine and dine together. The show lasts for months and Mr. Block and his relations enjoy it immensely. The politicians promise meat and the Blocks forget all about liberty steak. If a spellbinder wishes to make a special hit he calls Mr. Block an intelligent sovereign citizen. The dunce almost croaks; he's tickled to death at this. After election he finds out that the wonderful promises are not kept. Election promises are made to be broken. The politician out of office informs Mr. Block that he elected the wrong kind of a fellow. Mr. Block swears revenge to be taken next election when the traitor will be thrown out. Next election it is the same old sham battle again. Only the faces of the fakers are different and some have a bigger belly than others. The assortment of lies and fake issues are also different, to fool Mr. Block more easily. This just in (I'm writing this in September 2013): A researcher in the UK, Anna Hoyles, kindly directed me to a booklet that Riebe did in 1919 offering a spirited defense of the Russian revolution. It's called "Crimes of the Bolsheviki", published by Great Western Publishing Company in Chicago. Here is a sample page:
He finds a place to flop
His patriotism is appreciated
He leaves the harvest with his stake
He becomes an editor
He loses his job
He isn't afraid of the boss
He receives a Christmas present
He is one of those cascarets
He insults members of the I.W.W. (1914)
Bull con keeps him going (1914)
He races for a job (November 7, 1914)
He's against organization (November 14, 1914)
When Block Meets Block
"The Judge" in a Hell of a Fix
Peace On Earth (September 12, 1914)
The Real White Slaver
Poor Mother (1914)
Spot drawings (with text) by Ernest Riebe
By Ernest Riebe
By James Rowan,
Seattle, Washington - 1920