This comic was done for the January/February 2001 issue of Dollars & Sense magazine. It is the second in a series of 2-page comics about economic globalization and neoliberalism. To see the rest of the series, go to The Comic Strip of Neoliberalism.
I have had the indispensable assistance of Dollars & Sense editor Alejandro Reuss in shaping this project. Our goal is to collect these 2-pagers into a comic book that can be used as a primer for people interested in the emerging anti-globalization movement.
Since this is an ongoing project and these pages are likely to be revised before the comic book version comes out, I am very interested in hearing suggestions from people with knowledge of this subject. Drop me a line.
For a PDF version of the above comic, click here. (Cartoons in PDF format don't look so good on a computer monitor but look much better when printed than the version above.) If you can't see the PDF, you may need to download Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website.